Easter at Crossroads

Lent Message Series: The Walk

This series will focus on spiritual disciplines.  We set goals for our health, for our careers, for our children and many other things. But how often do we set a spiritual goal? Where would we even begin? In this series we will talk about how to take the next step in our spiritual life. 

2/18 Worship  Psalm 150
2/25 Study  Philippians 3:4b-11
3/3 Serve  Matthew  25:31-46
3/10 Give  Malachi 3:5-10
3/17 Share 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

Easter Offering

Please consider giving to the Easter offering which allows Crossroads to transform lives in our community.

Palm Sunday
March 24, 10-11am

Without the cross there could have been no real forgiveness as forgiveness always has a price to pay. Come hear an inspirational message about the power of the cross. We will hand out palms, share communion, and hear uplifting, powerful music.

Holy Thursday Soup Supper
March 28, 7pm
Join us for an evening of connection as we enjoy a meal together and share in communion. Sign up to help and/or bring soup here.

Good Friday Service
March 29, 7pm
This will be a contemplative, interactive service marking Jesus’ final days. Sign up to help here.

Egg Hunt & Spring Festival
March 30, 2-4pm
This is a community wide event open to all! In addition to an egg hunt geared for little ones, we will have games, food, a bounce house and of course a visit by the Easter Bunny!

Sign up for a time slot for the egg hunt here.

Sign up to volunteer here.

Donate items needed for the egg hunt using the Amazon Wish List.

Easter Services
March 31, 9 & 11am
Join us for a spectacular Easter celebration at either 9 or 11am. Both services include music, an inspiring message, and communion. We will have nursery care (birth through 36 months) at both services. Both services will be livestreamed here. Sign up to help here.